Fun walk to raise awareness on sexual harassment attracts 500 participants in Putrajaya

08 Aug 2023 06:38pm
The ‘Langkah Kasih Merdeka KPWKM@Advokasi Anti Gangguan Seksual’ programme saw participants walk from the Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) to the Palace of Justice, carrying anti-sexual harassment notices and handing them out to the various ministries and premises along the route. - Facebook
The ‘Langkah Kasih Merdeka KPWKM@Advokasi Anti Gangguan Seksual’ programme saw participants walk from the Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) to the Palace of Justice, carrying anti-sexual harassment notices and handing them out to the various ministries and premises along the route. - Facebook

PUTRAJAYA - About 500 participants, including individuals with disabilities (PwD), joined a three-kilometre 'fun walk' in Putrajaya today to raise awareness against sexual harassment.

The ‘Langkah Kasih Merdeka KPWKM@Advokasi Anti Gangguan Seksual’ programme saw participants walk from the Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry (KPWKM) to the Palace of Justice, carrying anti-sexual harassment notices and handing them out to the various ministries and premises along the route.

Women, Family, and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said the notices were presented to the Communications and Digital Ministry, the Local Government Development Ministry, and the Attorney General's Department, among others.

"The notices should be prominently displayed within the buildings of the relevant ministries and agencies, serving as a symbol of solidarity and unity in addressing matters of sexual harassment," she told reporters after officiating the program here today.

Nancy hoped that the 'fun walk' programme held in conjunction with National Month 2023 would help create a safe environment, in line with the principles of well-being, one of the pillars of Malaysia Madani.

The Malaysia Madani concept launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 19 is based on six core values, namely Sustainability, Prosperity, Innovation, Respect, Trust, and Compassion.

Nancy said with regard to sexual harassment reports lodged, there were still victims, especially men, who opted not to report the incidents to authorities and remain silent, noting that there were 506 recorded cases of sexual harassment so far.

"If it occurs, please report it (if you are a victim). That's the reason we're organising awareness-raising advocacy programmes, so that our society can get to know what is meant by sexual harassment," she added.

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Meanwhile, Taska Anak Istimewa Sindrom Down (Taska Anisd) supervisor Siti Nurul Aina Mohd Naim said the 'fun walk' event organised by KPWKM offered a chance to her and the special needs children to engage with ministry personnel and other participants involved in the activity.

"This is my first time participating. Another fellow educator and I brought four special needs pupils, aged four, from Taska Anisd to participate. Alhamdulillah, they are happy to join, even though it's their first time being part of a programme with so many people," she said.

KPWKM legal advisor, Sharifah Nur Amirah Syed Ahmad Yunus, 30, said such activities not only strengthened the relationships among KPWKM members but also provided them with an opportunity to interact and be friendly with the target group.

"Activities like this should be held regularly, because they not only instill patriotic spirit but also raise awareness among the community about sexual harassment, especially at the workplace," she said, adding that a workplace free from sexual harassment allowed employees to work comfortably and safely. - BERNAMA

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