Farmers welcome higher subsidy rate, but hope no exploitation of profit margin

09 Aug 2023 04:23pm
Image for illustrative purposes only. – BERNAMA
Image for illustrative purposes only. – BERNAMA
SEKINCHAN - The increase in the rate of the Padi Price Subsidy Scheme (SSHP) from RM360 per tonne to RM500 per tonne from today as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday is seen by farmers as proof of the Unity Government’s concern for them.

A farmer in Selangor, Jamaludin Hamsan, 44, said he was grateful for the government’s initiative because it helps him to some extent given that the rice yield produced is an uncertain factor.

"When the harvest is uncertain, the profit will not be large. In addition, all costs have increased, including the rental of machinery, not all farmers can afford to own their own machinery (rice machines) because the price is expensive, rental is the way to go," he told Bernama.

However, he hopes certain parties will not take advantage of the hike in subsidy rate by raising the prices of farmers’ needs such as pesticides and fertilisers.

"I also request the authorities to constantly monitor the market so that no one takes the opportunity to raise the price of pesticides, wages and machinery rental,” he said.

Saipo Bahri Sahlan, 62, said the prime minister’s announcement was indeed timely because rice farmers are currently being affected by the increase in the price of agricultural inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides.

He said with the announcement, it was able to increase the income of rice farmers by 10 to 15 per cent.

"Thank you Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for being concerned about the plight of farmers across the country. It helps ease our expenses, the PM listened to our complaints.

"Our income depends on the season, at least we can buy fertiliser or cover family expenses,” he said in Tanjong Karang.
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In agreement with Saipo Bahri, Tan Hong Nin, 57, said the initiative was very necessary because the profit obtained from rice crops was not that much.

"This help is really needed by the rice farmers because the cost for us to work the padi fields itself is already high. It includes renting rice machines, tractors, paying for pesticides and other costs.

"Not to say that we make a loss, but the profit obtained is not as much. It depends on (production of) rice,” he said. - BERNAMA

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