DAP member in old viral video clip insulting Umno has been suspended - Loke

11 Aug 2023 05:05pm
DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke - BERNAMA FILE PIX
DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke - BERNAMA FILE PIX

KUALA LUMPUR - DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke cleared the air over a viral video clip showing a member of DAP insulting Umno, saying it was from a dinner function held by a party branch in June and not during the current state election campaign period.

Emphasising that the ordinary member’s views did not in any way represent the DAP leadership, Loke posted on his Facebook that the member has since been suspended with immediate effect pending further action by DAP’s Disciplinary Committee.

"The DAP leadership strongly condemns the harsh and provocative speech by the member.

"This old video clip has been intentionally made viral by certain parties at this critical moment to break the momentum of Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Barisan Nasional’s (BN) campaign,” he said.

He urged all PH and BN supporters not to be unduly influenced by the video clip as it was totally against DAP’s character and stance.

The video clip which went viral yesterday, showed an individual delivering a speech in Mandarin with negative statements against Umno. - BERNAMA

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