Seven-month-old boy experiences 'voting' twice

12 Aug 2023 04:53pm
Ernita (left) with her son Harith Marteen as well as two nieces after voting in SJK (C) Selayang Baru at 2pm.
Ernita (left) with her son Harith Marteen as well as two nieces after voting in SJK (C) Selayang Baru at 2pm.

SELAYANG - A seven-month old boy named Harith Marteen Zamhury has experienced 'voting' twice in less than a year.

Ernita Buyong, 34, said she brought her son along when she cast her vote during the 15th General Election (GE15) in November last year, and again for the state election on Saturday.

"The first time I brought him along, I was still pregnant, and for the second time, he is already seven months old. I voted in the same area and channel,” said Ernita when met at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C) Selayang Baru.

Ernita who arrived a little late, was shocked to discover the lack of voters at the polling centre.

"We had to queue for a while during GE15, I was given a special queue since I was pregnant.

"Now we see that it's emptier, there is no queue and we can immediately be shown to our voting channel,” she said.

Despite her hectic schedule in running a business, she made sure to take some time off to vote in order to choose the right candidate for the Taman Templer state seat.

Another voter Muhamad Zamri Husrain, 55 said he chose to vote in the evening to avoid crowds at polling centres.

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"It was a coincidence that I had to send my child for a dialysis treatment, I left to go vote afterwards at the polling centre.

"The lack of voters may be caused by individuals who were simply tired of voting after recently doing so in November," he said.

Muhamad Zamri (left) with his son after voting in SJK (C) Selayang Baru on Saturday.
Muhamad Zamri (left) with his son after voting in SJK (C) Selayang Baru on Saturday.

However, the army retiree said he decided to still vote as it was his responsibility as a citizen to choose a government.

"All six of my family members left to go vote. My wife and children left to go vote in the morning and I left at a different time because I had to send my child for a dialysis.

"The election taking place twice within a year was a burden for the public and it would have major expenditures, but as voters we must go out and vote to avoid choosing the wrong state government," he said.

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