Ahmad Razif confident UMNO will recover post election

13 Aug 2023 10:17pm
Ahmad Razif is confident that UMNO will recover - FILEPIX
Ahmad Razif is confident that UMNO will recover - FILEPIX

KUALA NERUS - Kuala Nerus Division Umno chief Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman is confident that the party will go through a recovery process after failing to win any seats in the Terengganu state election on Saturday.

According to him, as the largest party among the Malays, Umno will not be buried but will remain in the hearts of the people.

"I am confident that this is a test that will give me and other Umno members more motivation to strengthen the party.

"Insyaallah, Umno will go through its recovery process, and everything that happens is a useful lesson for all of us.

"To all, continue the struggle for the sake of race, religion, and country," said the former Seberang Takir State Assembly Member (ASSEM) via a post on Facebook on Sunday.

The state election results saw Ahmad Razif fail to defend the seat he has held for the past three terms after losing to his challenger, Khazan Che Mat, with a majority of 2,797 votes.

Khazan, who represents Perikatan Nasional (PN), got 12,156 votes, while Ahmad Razif got 9,359 votes.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Razif, who is also the former Menteri Besar in the same post, also admitted to accepting the defeat with an open heart.

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"Losing or winning is a normal process in a democratic system, and I respect the will and stance of the voters in the Seberang Takir state assembly," he said.