Agriculture and Food Security Ministry staff must adopt principle of trust in fulfilling responsibilities - Mohamad

17 Aug 2023 03:29pm
Its Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, said that civil servants must always uphold serving the government of the day principle, and ensure that the government's aspirations are implemented based on the current government's policies.  BERNAMA
Its Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, said that civil servants must always uphold serving the government of the day principle, and ensure that the government's aspirations are implemented based on the current government's policies. BERNAMA

KUALA LUMPUR - Every leader and employee of the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry (MAFS), as well as its departments and agencies, must adopt the principle of trust in fulfilling responsibilities and good governance, in their duties towards the people and the country.

Its Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, said that civil servants must always uphold serving the government of the day principle, and ensure that the government's aspirations are implemented based on the current government's policies.

On governance, Mohamad cited a mandate of the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, in the First Malaysia Plan in 1965, regarding the importance for all of us to be ready to accept changes, by increasing all efforts to build a more advanced and prosperous Malaysia.

"This aspiration is translated through the six core values of Malaysia Madani, introduced by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim: Sustainability, Prosperity, Innovation, Respect, Trust and Compassion.

"Madani governance is needed to accelerate the shift into the future, and not just to maintain the outdated status quo,” he said in his speech when officiating the ‘Forum Eksekutif Merdeka; Tadbir Urus Terbaik Dalam Sektor Awam’ (Merdeka Executive Forum; Best Governance in the Public Sector).

Mohamad said that, to ensure that the country's food security agenda is a success, it would definitely require a lot of effort and synergy from all the agencies under his ministry.

"In implementing this significant initiative, we cannot escape from cultivating high integrity, trust and efficiency to produce work of high quality.

"To that end, this is the purpose of today's MAFS, bringing together all key management of the ministry and its agencies, to discuss the issues and challenges faced to maintain good governance in the public sector," he said.

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Meanwhile, at the press conference, Mohamad said that the pledge made today was to restore the country's position and the performance of national spending, as well as to reduce all forms of waste.

"Malaysia, after Merdeka, was previously known for its high integrity among government officials; we do hope that through today's programme, it will be an effort to restore and defend the issue of integrity, including among the political leaders,” he said.

During the forum, two renowned panellists, former Auditor-General, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang and former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner, Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, discussed issues and challenges in supporting the best governance of the public sector.

There was also a signing of the Corruption-Free Pledge by MAFS staff, witnessed by MACC chief commissioner, Tan Sri Azam Baki. - BERNAMA

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