More 120 motorcycles participating in RXZ Members 5.0 rally detained in Terengganu

09 Sep 2023 06:26pm
Mazli (second from the right) inspects a motorcycle detained at the Terengganu Police Headquarters for various offences. (SINAR PHOTO)
Mazli (second from the right) inspects a motorcycle detained at the Terengganu Police Headquarters for various offences. (SINAR PHOTO)

KUALA NERUS - More than 120 motorcycles participating in the Yamaha RXZ Members 5.0 rally were arrested for various offenses during a joint operation with the Road Transport Department (RTD) conducted on Friday.

Terengganu Police Chief Datuk Mazli Mazlan said all motorcycles were found to have violated various traffic offences including riding without a license, modifying the vehicle and not installing the motorcycle's brakes.

He said the operation was carried out via roadblocks and continuous patrolling statewide involving 85 personnel.

"So far more than 100 motorcycles were detained and summons will be issued according to the offence. For the seized motorcycles, the owners need to change the condition of the vehicle's structure to the original because majority of those seized were modified.

"Operations will continue until the end of the programme, and we believe more motorcycles will be detained," he said when contacted today.

Mazli said the operation was initiated after receieving complaints by the public following dangerous motorcyce activities and racing during the rally.

He said that the situation created a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere for residents, especially those living near the road.

Mazli reminded participants of the Yamaha RXZ Members 5.0 to obey the road laws and do not disturb public order.

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Meanwhile, Mazli said the participants of the Yamaha RXZ Members 5.0 must obey the road laws and disturbing the peace.

He said Terengganu was not a place to "merempit" (illegal racing) and hopes that the participants will comply with the conditions and laws stipulated to avoid unwarranted incidents.

"We support the programme but at the same time they need to comply with the prescribed instructions.

"We believe that some participants came to the programme using the rat route, causing them to 'escape' from the restrictions. When we gathered only then we saw many 'incomplete' and modified motorcycles," he said.

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