Sabah, Sarawak MP's continue to raise questions on infrastructure issues

14 Sep 2023 07:59pm
Sabah Kundasang - FILE PIX
Sabah Kundasang - FILE PIX
KUALA LUMPUR - Infrastructure in Sabah and Sarawak, which is described as lagging behind, continues to receive attention and was raised by Members of Parliament (MPs) in the debate on the motion of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) Mid-Term Review (MTR), in the Dewan Rakyat today.

A majority of them want the government to look closely at infrastructure development in the two states, to realise the aspirations outlined in the 12MP MTR.

Datuk Wetrom Bahanda (KDM-Kota Marudu), among others, asked the government to upgrade several roads, as well as health facilities in Kota Marudu, to ensure that people in the area have access to basic facilities.

"As a people’s representative, I have submitted the applications to the relevant ministries; for any urgent matters we have already submitted them, but there has been no action until today, let alone any notification or approval; we have yet to hear from the ministries.

"I am appealing to the relevant us, the government officials go to the field to see our area, report the struggle experienced by the people; make plans and take action, so that all the people will believe in the MADANI government’s efforts,” he said.

He said that the aspiration to eliminate the country's hardcore poverty this year would be difficult to achieve without a good road network because the people's economy can only grow with quality basic facilities.

Wetrom said that there are places in Sabah which are still lagging behind; not only do they not have good roads but they also do not have clean water and electricity supply, thus posing a challenge to the government, and him as the representative, to ensure that no community is marginalised in development efforts.

"There was an incident of a student falling from a suspension bridge, which is unsafe to use but is still being used because there is no other alternative route. I (also) had a chance to visit Kampung Sonsogon Mogis; this village can only be accessed by road with a four-wheel drive vehicle, which has been modified from a former log road that is similar to ‘kubang kerbau’ (buffalo mudholes).

Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal (Warisan-Semporna) also raised the issue of unbalanced development between the states in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak, including infrastructure and amenities in the education sector.
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He said that during his previous visits to schools in the village area, he found that computer sets were kept in the storage room because the area did not have electricity.

Meanwhile, Datuk Henry Sum Agong (GPS-Lawas) proposed that local contractors be given priority in development projects in the state, because they know better the local conditions, including the cost of building materials, transport and public relations needed to facilitate the implementation of the project.

"In Lawas, delayed and sick projects are the new Lawas district hospital, the immigration checkpoint on the Indonesian border with Sarawak in Ba'kelalan, the Lawas district clinic, Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Long Sukang and SK Ba'kelalan.

"While a project which has been approved and yet to be implemented is Lawas Mara Junior Science College,” he said.

Infrastructure and basic facilities issues also received the attention of Roy Angau Gingkoi (GPS-Lubok Antu) and Datuk Anyi Ngau (GPS-Baram) - BERNAMA

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