Is eating turtle halal?

30 Sep 2023 01:09am
Picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIX
Picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIX
SHAH ALAM - Turtles and tortoises are reptiles and all reptiles are considered haram according to the Hanafi, Shafie and Hanbali schools of thoughts in Islam.

According to the fatwa in the Federal Territories Mufti's office website, Islamic scholars are of the opinion that it comes back to the definition of a turtle, where it is an animal that lives in both land and water.

"While eating its eggs is permissible, it is prohibited for followers of the Shafie school of thought to eat animals that live both on land and water.” (Mausuah Fiqhiyyah: 5/130)

According to the opinion of al-Imam al-Rafie Rahimahullah:

“Turtle is an animal that is considered as filthy and disgusting to be eaten.”

Likewise is stated in Hayat Al-Hayawan Al-Kubro: 469: Al-Imam Al Baghawi explained that in terms of whether turtle is halal to be eaten, there are two opinions: al-Imam Rafie said that the prohibition from eating turtle is due to the fact that it is filthy and disgusting to be eaten while the opinion of Ibnu Hazim states that eating turtle is halal the same for its eggs.

In Tuhfatul al-Ahwazi it is stated: Animals which live on both land and water are divided into two, the first is prohibited from being eaten such as frogs and crocodiles.

Furthermore, the prohibition is because they are filthy and disgusting, the same ruling is applied to poisonous animals such as snakes, tand scorpions.

The same opinion is presented in the book Fiqh Islam wa Adillatuhu: In the chapter animals which live on both land and water.
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According to the above evidences and opinion of scholars, the conclusion is animals that live on both land and water is haram from being eaten and turtle is included in this category of animals where it lives on both land and water.

It is worth noting that this ruling specifically applies to the Syafie school of thought within Islamic jurisprudence.

In summary, while there are differing opinions among scholars, the general consensus is that consuming turtle meat is not permissible in Islam due to its classification as a reptile and the prohibition of reptile consumption in Islamic syariah.
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