Police foil children's plan to rob station kiosk with toy gun

06 Oct 2023 04:33pm
Pix for illustration purpose only. - FILE PIX by 123RF.
Pix for illustration purpose only. - FILE PIX by 123RF.

HAMBURG - Two masked children armed with a toy shotgun planned to rob a kiosk at a train station in a small city in northeast of Germany, but were thwarted by police, reported German news agency (dpa).

The two boys, aged 10 and 14, were spotted by passers-by at the station in Neubrandenburg on Thursday. When police arrived with lights flashing, the boys quickly took off their masks and sat down on a bench in hopes of looking inconspicuous, according to police.

But when police officers questioned the kids, the children admitted that the 10-year-old boy had wanted to rob the station kiosk and persuaded his older friend to join in, according to police.

During a search of the two, officers said they found a toy gun and a knife. The children were taken to the police station, where they were picked up by their guardians, police said. - BERNAMA

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