Ironman Langkawi participants experience health issues, spectator injured in fall

07 Oct 2023 04:39pm
Two participants in the Ironman Langkawi Malaysia triathlon championship had to be given emergency assistance today due to suspected health issues during the challenge.
Two participants in the Ironman Langkawi Malaysia triathlon championship had to be given emergency assistance today due to suspected health issues during the challenge.

LANGKAWI - Two participants in the Ironman Langkawi Malaysia triathlon championship here had to be given emergency assistance today due to suspected health issues during the morning challenge.

Langkawi district police chief Assistant Commissioner Shariman Ashari said that the participants were in the swimming discipline at Pantai Kok when the incidents occurred.

"A 44-year-old female participant was believed to have experienced health problems and had to receive assistance from beach safety personnel before being rushed to Sultanah Maliha Hospital.

"She was unconscious and is still being treated," he said when contacted today.

Another male participant also experienced health issues and was assisted by medical teams on the beach, but was allowed to return after he recovered.

Shariman also said that a man believed to be a spectator suffered a head injury after falling from a high area while watching the Ironman event. He was treated and allowed to go home.

A total of 120 policemen were assigned throughout the event to ensure the safety of participants and spectators.

Shariman advised the public not to speculate and to obtain accurate reports before disseminating information about the incident.

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