Potential solutions underway to resolve masking issue - Fahmi

09 Oct 2023 06:06pm
Fahmi Fadzil
Fahmi Fadzil

KUALA LUMPUR - Investigations are ongoing, and potential solutions for the issue of masking (where merchants can’t choose their courier providers), affecting courier services, are underway.

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil said the masking issue is not only faced by Pos Malaysia but also by other courier and logistic services.

"There is also an issue regarding masking done by online platforms.

"Currently, the matter is being investigated by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

"I believe a solution that benefits all parties involved is achievable in a short time," he said in the press conference after World Post Day 2023 at Pos Malaysia headquarters.

Besides, he added that the most important aspect was sustainability and resilience.

"This is one of the crucial issues, and discussions are in the final stages.

"I believe MCMC will make an announcement soon," he said.

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He also said previously that there is no strict limit, as it is more of a guideline.

"Whether we will continue with it as a guideline or make it more stringent depends on the ongoing process and discussions, which are nearing completion," he said.

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