Sabri Yunus' marriage is valid, according to Islamic principles - Mufti

16 Oct 2023 07:36pm
Mohd Asri (second from the right) officiated the marriage of actor Sabri Yunus and Ardini Angeline Tan last Saturday. - Photo from Dr. MAZA's Facebook
Mohd Asri (second from the right) officiated the marriage of actor Sabri Yunus and Ardini Angeline Tan last Saturday. - Photo from Dr. MAZA's Facebook

PERLIS Mufti Associate Professor Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin clarified that the concise "ijab kabul" (offer and acceptance) recited by renowned actor Sabri Yunus is a testament to Islam's simplicity and adherence to its principles.

Mohd Asri, often referred to as Dr MAZA, pointed out that marriage in Islam is not intended to be bound by rigid conditions.

He highlighted that the ijab and kabul were straightforward during Prophet Muhammad's era.

"Anyone familiar with the Prophet's teachings would understand that the essence of a marriage contract is its simplicity.

"The primary requirements are the pillars, along with the ijab and kabul," he said in a Facebook video.

The recent marriage of Sabri and Angeline Tan stirred debates, with scholar Sheikh Nuruddin Marbu Al Banjari alleging that the ijab and kabul recited during their ceremony, overseen by Mohd Asri, were mispronounced.

Mohd Asri responded by highlighting that many contemporary marriage officiators unnecessarily complicate the process for couples.

"Marriage isn't a mere ritual; once the pronouncement is made, it's valid.

"It shouldn't be overcomplicated or repeated. I urge officiators, especially in Perlis, to keep it simple," he added.

Mohd Asri said that Angeline Tan has shown interest in Islam, influenced by his online lectures.

He believes the Perlis approach, grounded in logic and well-supported evidence, contrasts with certain fringe religious views lacking firm grounding in the Quran and Sunnah.

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