Padu system streamlines govt aid implementation - Ahmad Maslan

18 Oct 2023 01:29pm
Ahmad Maslan. Photo by Bernama
Ahmad Maslan. Photo by Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR - The Pangkalan Data Utama (Padu) system is able to streamline the implementation of government assistance more widely and comprehensively, said Deputy Finance Minister I Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.

He said the Padu system which provides a combination of socioeconomic information of every household in the country, can find out in detail about the assistance received by the people in the country.

"We can know all the government assistance received by each citizen as a whole through the Padu database such as assistance from the Social Welfare Department and Rahmah Cash Contribution.

"Sometimes the aid overlaps, so we want to prevent it... if we have received a certain help, maybe we can give it to others,” he said as a guest on the Jendela Fikir programme produced by Bernama Radio today.

Padu is a system that combines over 200 databases to coordinate the collection of national information in a centralised and integrated manner.

Last month, Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli said the development of the Padu system had reached 60 per cent and would be ready to be used in January next year. - BERNAMA

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