Melaka Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry denies report on chicken price hike

20 Oct 2023 03:32pm
Image for illustrative purposes only. - BERNAMA
Image for illustrative purposes only. - BERNAMA

MELAKA - The Melaka branch of the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) has denied the claim that there has been an increase in chicken prices in the state.

Its director Norena Jaafar said the supply of chicken and the movement of prices in the market were under control and still adhered to the price controls set by the government.

"Yesterday, a news report claimed that the chicken price in Melaka had increased by 70 sen, which is not true.

"Continuous monitoring by Price Monitoring Officers and daily inspections by Melaka KPDN’s enforcement officers found that most traders are still selling chicken below the controlled price of RM9.40. Some premises even sell chicken for as low as RM7.99 per kilogramme (kg),” she said in a statement today.

Meanwhile, Norena said 24,543 premises had been inspected as of yesterday, involving all business tiers, namely retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and farmers.

"A total of 296 cases were recorded, with seizures amounting to RM1,619,571.85. Compounds totalling RM54,200 were also issued for various offences.

"As of now, the Melaka KPDN has not received any official complaints related to chicken prices,” she said.

Therefore, Norena advised all quarters to obtain accurate information before disseminating it to the public to avoid confusion in the community.

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As for all traders, she reminded them to adhere to the regulations and laws set by the government to ensure the sustainability of trade in the state.

Consumers are urged to report any wrongdoing and trade-related complaints through the Enforcement Command Centre at 06-2345869, which operates daily from 9 am to 6 pm, or through the WhatsApp application at 019-279 4317. - BERNAMA

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