Seat distribution among parties in PN needs to be improved - Pas

22 Oct 2023 02:26pm
Pas deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man - Photo by Bernama
Pas deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man - Photo by Bernama

SHAH ALAM – The distribution of seats among parties within the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition requires improvement, given that it has consistently poses a significant challenge each time elections draw near.

The need to do so was voiced by Pas deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man who highlighted the importance of establishing a political consensus because unlike in the past when it was on its own, Pas was now a part of PN.

“Sometimes, there are seats that we want but can't get and then there are those which we didn't expect to get, but we got it.

“We must work as a team; we must strengthen the political consensus within PN. At the grassroots level, this agenda needs to be strengthened,” he said in his winding-up speech at the 69th Pas Muktamar, here, today.

The Kubang Kerian MP also reminded Pas to expand its branches throughout the country to strengthen the party's grassroots strength.

Such expansion needed to be done because the party’s grassroots activities have always been the foundation for seat negotiations among the component parties of PN.

“As explained by secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan, we need to increase our branches and party activities because this is a prerequisite when we aim to secure seats.

“Having this strength is one of the requirements (for seat negotiations)," he said.

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In his speech, Tuan Ibrahim also admitted that Pas’ machinery had failed to truly leverage on the massive groundswell that was favourable to PN in the 15th General Election (GE15).

"As a result, we will strengthen and reinforce what we already have. We believe we have significant potential to capture Perak, Pahang, Selangor, and even Negeri Sembilan in the future," he concluded.

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