FDAM allowed to resume operations - Acting President

25 Oct 2023 10:00pm
FDAM Acting President Datuk Zulkeflie M Osman (centre) said based on KDN’s letter dated Sept 15, the appeal against being deregistered was approved subject to conditions by the power conferred on the Minister of Home Affairs under Section 18 of the Societies Act 1966.
FDAM Acting President Datuk Zulkeflie M Osman (centre) said based on KDN’s letter dated Sept 15, the appeal against being deregistered was approved subject to conditions by the power conferred on the Minister of Home Affairs under Section 18 of the Societies Act 1966.

KUALA LUMPUR - The Film Directors Association of Malaysia (FDAM) has been allowed to resume operations following its appeal to the of Home Affairs Ministry (KDN) last month.

FDAM Acting President Datuk Zulkeflie M Osman said based on KDN’s letter dated Sept 15, the appeal against being deregistered was approved subject to conditions by the power conferred on the Minister of Home Affairs under Section 18 of the Societies Act 1966.

He said FDAM also met with the Registry of Societies (ROS) yesterday to obtain advice related to the improvements that the association needs to implement within 90 days of the date of the letter.

"The meeting we had yesterday with the ROS attended by myself, FDAM Secretary Mohamad Zaini Hassan and Treasurer K.Logananthan went well.

"They required a few matters, such as FDAM’s official logo which will be approved at the Annual General Meeting at the end of the year,” he said in a statement today.

On June 7, the ROS deregistered FDAM, among other reasons, for contravening a part of its previous constitution, which was considered weak by the ROS.

Zulkeflie thanked Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and his Deputy Datuk Seri Dr. Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, and KDN officers as well as the Kuala Lumpur ROS Department for helping FDAM resume its operations.

He also thanked the National Film Development Corporation (Finas), Malaysian Film Producers Association (PFM), Seniman Association of Malaysia (Seniman), and Malaysian Association of Professional Film Workers (Profima) for their encouragement, advice, and support in helping to restore FDAM’s status as the sole association that accredits film directors in Malaysia.

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