Indonesia urges UNGA to investigate Israeli attacks on Gaza

27 Oct 2023 02:58pm
Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi. - Photo by BERNAMA
Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi. - Photo by BERNAMA

JAKARTA - Indonesia urged the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to establish an independent commission to investigate Israeli attacks on Gaza, reported ANTARA news agency.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi also urged the UN to demand an immediate ceasefire to prevent more civilian casualties while speaking at an emergency session of the UNGA, which discussed Israel's illegal actions in the occupied Palestinian territories held in New York on Thursday (October 26).

According to a statement, she noted that the UNGA must hold Israel accountable, including by forming an independent commission of inquiry to investigate Israeli attacks on hospitals and places of worship, as well as the mass expulsion of civilians in Gaza.

Furthermore, Indonesia urged the UNGA and other relevant UN agencies to increase efforts to provide humanitarian assistance for the people of Gaza.

Marsudi assessed that the aid currently going to Gaza is still far from sufficient, so humanitarian aid efforts carried out by the UN Secretary-General and key countries must be supported.

Hence, the minister emphasised that the UNGA must call for an immediate delivery of humanitarian aid that is unrestricted and sustained.

The minister highlighted that Indonesia will triple its voluntary contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and call on the international community to support UNRWA.

"Indonesia is also committed to sending humanitarian assistance," she remarked.

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Indonesia has also called on the UN to reject the forced displacement of civilians in Gaza. Israel's call to vacate the areas of North Gaza worsened the condition of people whose homes have been bombarded, while access to electricity, gas, fuel, and water has been limited.

"This is a crime against humanity," she stressed.

She underlined that civilians, in particular children, must be protected, and their safe movement must be allowed.

Marsudi ended her statement by underscoring the importance of efforts to address the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She highlighted that peace would not be created until the roots of conflict were solved.

Thus, Indonesia assessed that the peace process to realise the two-state solution must be resumed. Israel's systematic efforts to make negotiations irrelevant must be stopped, according to the statement.

"We must not allow the Palestinians to have no other choice but to accept injustice for the rest of their lives. It is our duty to stop the injustice," Marsudi stated.

"Indonesia is ready and will play its role. Indonesia will continue to stand with the people of Palestine," she added.

The minister also invited all participants in the UNGA to adopt the draft resolution on Palestine. -BERNAMA