Pioneering sustainability: Transforming Kuala Lumpur through urban planning

31 Oct 2023 08:30am
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As the world collectively seeks ways to tackle environmental challenges, Kuala Lumpur is poised to make a significant stride towards becoming one of the most sustainable cities globally.

The transformation of Kuala Lumpur is no small feat, and it necessitates a paradigm shift in the city's approach to urban planning.

Think City Managing Director Hamdan Abdul Majeed said the key role in revitalising Malaysia's capital city lies in enhancing thermal comfort and reintroducing nature into the cityscape.

“It is imperative that we enhance thermal comfort and reintroduce nature to our cityscape to positively impact health, comfort and consequently the quality of life in urban spaces.

“We aim to reintegrate vibrant flora and fauna, infusing our urban landscape with colour and character, and ultimately improving the visitor experience,” he told Sinar Daily.

On the other hand,the goal is to infuse the city with colour, character, and life, ultimately enhancing the visitor experience.

This reintroduction of nature is a vital element in balancing the often fast-paced, concrete jungle of modern cities with the soothing presence of greenery and tranquillity.

“Our approach must be one of creative ingenuity in view of the established built environment and our city streets.

“We hope to construct a verdant connector, seamlessly linking our various green spaces and crafting a desirable green corridor. This ambitious endeavour will not only enhance the city but also serve as an extraordinary addition to Kuala Lumpur’s allure,” Hamdan said.

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