Jepak election day is like sitting for 'exam' - GPS candidate

30 Oct 2023 05:39pm
Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) candidate Iskandar Turkee has described contesting in the Jepak state by-election as similar to sitting for a promotion examination while in the public service. - Facebook
Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) candidate Iskandar Turkee has described contesting in the Jepak state by-election as similar to sitting for a promotion examination while in the public service. - Facebook

BINTULU - Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) candidate Iskandar Turkee has described contesting in the Jepak state by-election as similar to sitting for a promotion examination while in the public service.

"(This) exam is big for me. My assessment officer is estimated to be over 22,000 people," said the former director of the Sarawak branch of the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), in reference to 22,804 registered voters in the Jepak constituency.

In the Nov 4 by-election, Iskandar, 54, will face Stevenson Joseph Sumbang of Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) and Chieng Lea Phing of Parti Aspirasi Rakyat Sarawak (Aspirasi). The by-election is being held following the death of the incumbent, Datuk Talib Zulpilip, on Sept 15.

The GPS comprises the four main parties in Sarawak, namely Parti Pesaka Bersatu Bumiputera (PBB), Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), Sarawak People's Party (PRS) and Progressive Democratic Party (PDP).

Iskandar admitted to feeling a bit awkward initially when facing the media as an election candidate after more than 30 years as a civil servant, including his tenure as the director of the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK).

"I admit that I am a bit stiff...I have yet to get accustomed to the many dos and don'ts as a candidate,” he said when met after campaigning in several areas.

But after 10 days of campaigning, Iskandar said he was now able to adapt to the new role and appreciated the commitment of media practitioners covering the Jepak by-election.

He said the media played an important role in reporting the development and vibes of the by-election in Jepak, adding that the media reports had helped him chart his plans throughout the campaign.

"Through the media, what we do allows the community to know that the government of the day delivers on its services. I also learned a lot about the needs in the community that I have to address," he said.

As for the feedback from the young voters, Iskandar said they showed a tendency to be involved in social activities as well as expressing a desire to improve themselves in terms of skills and seize the opportunities in the new economy that the government is working on.

Expressing confidence that GPS will defend the Jepak seat, Iskandar said: "There are immediate, medium- and long-term actions that I have planned if elected." - BERNAMA