'No serious actions from Arab nations to stop Israel's cruelty' - Mat Sabu

05 Nov 2023 11:38pm
Mohamad Sabu
Mohamad Sabu

SHAH ALAM - Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) has criticised the Arab countries, saying that no serious actions were taken to stop the cruelty of Israel towards Palestinian citizens.

Its president Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu said Muslims would continue to become observers to protest the heinous actions, but these Arab nations continue to strengthen their political and economic relations with Israel.

“In the midst of Muslim nations that continue to align with Israel, there's been an interesting development in Europe when some governments and their communities rose up against Israeli atrocities, such as the Republic of Ireland.

“The nation was not only against it but was also voicing in the European Union Parliament condemning the brutality and one-sided actions of a few western powers.

“A large protest happened in New York, Washington DC, London, Dublin, Paris, and Berlin, involving demonstrations by other religions and races. There is a new wave condemning the Zionist regime as well as terrifying Western leaders,” he said via a Facebook post on Sunday.

Mohamad added that since 1950, Turkey has cooperated with Israel, which has produced billions in trade value, including joint military training, the exchange of ambassadors, and visits, as well as cooperation in the tourism sector, which has been actively carried out.

He explained that it could be ended immediately as a political action that did not involve army operations.

“The more cruel and violent Israel attacks on Palestinian citizens, the more Arab nations that were once against Israel are now establishing diplomatic and economic relations.

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“The nations that started cooperating with Israel, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia, began negotiations to normalise their relations,” he said.

He said nations such as Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, China, and Vietnam were against Israel, and a portion decided to cut ties with the nation.

Mohamad said Palestinian land would be freed by the people of the nation compared to some Islamic nations that conspired to strengthen the Israeli economy.

“The riches that Allah blessed them with in the form of oil in the Gulf region were not used to aid in liberating Palestine.

"Instead, billions were used to finance the war to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq, to sponsor the movements of Al Qaeda and Isis, and to create chaos in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria by financing military operations that killed thousands of Yemenis,” he added.

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