What exactly happened between Kepala Batas MP and DAP?

09 Nov 2023 06:30pm
Siti Mastura
Siti Mastura

SHAH ALAM - Malaysian politics was set ablaze recently over a video statement of Kepala Batas MP Dr Siti Mastura Mohamad making startling allegations linking prominent DAP leaders to controversial historical figures.

The statement was made during the Muslimat and Ameerah P040 Kemaman event in Terengganu on Nov 4.

In the video which was uploaded on social media, Mastura claimed that DAP stalwart Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang, its chairman Lim Guan Eng and his wife Betty Chew Gek Cheng along with other DAP leaders had familial ties with former Malayan Communist Party leader Chin Peng and Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew

Earlier today, DAP lawmaker Syerleena Abdul Rashid lodged a police report against the Penang Pas Muslimat deputy chief over the accusation.

Syerleena claimed that the allegations Mastura made that Guan Eng had ties with Chin Peng and Lee were groundless and there were no evidence to support the accusations.

She urged the police to investigate Mastura under Section 504 of the Penal Code for intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace and under Section 505 (c) for intent to incite.

Mastura's statement, she said was also an offence under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act as well as Section 499 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.

Syerleena said she lodged the report so that appropriate action could be taken against Mastura and as a first information report to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

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In a press conference, Syerleena criticised Mastura describing the latter's action of making such accusation as 'shallow' considering her reputation as a person of religion.

The accusations

Mastura's accusations specifically targeted Guan Eng, Chew and Kit Siang, but she also mentioned other DAP leaders, including Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, Teluk Intan MP Nga Kor Ming and Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham asserting that they too, had family ties with these historical figures.

The response

In response to these claims, Guan Eng challenged Mastura to provide evidence to support her allegations.

He gave her a deadline until today (Nov 9) to substantiate her claims or face 'appropriate action'.

Guan Eng vehemently denied that he and the other DAP leaders had any familial connections with Chin Peng or Lee.

During a press conference in Parliament, Guan Eng condemned the accusations labelling them as a 'malicious slander' and part of a 'dirty political game of extremism and a baseless slander' by Pas.

He also expressed his concern about the racial undertones of the allegations, emphasising the importance of promoting unity in Malaysia's multicultural society.

Parliamentary chaos

The tensions surrounding the allegations escalated further during a debate speech by Mastura in the Parliament on Nov 7 as she refused to address the accusations when questioned by DAP members, which led to a heated exchange and words of war between the government and opposition MPs.

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul had to intervene and warned all MPs that the session was being broadcast live and urged them to maintain decorum.

Legal action

On Nov 8, Kit Siang's special officer Badrul Hisham Badarudin lodged a police report against Mastura, accusing her of defamation against the veteran DAP leader.

In the report, Badarudin condemned her statements as 'incitement and malicious defamation' that could harm ethnic harmony in Malaysia.

Guan Eng maintained his demand for evidence and the clock was ticking for Mastura to provide proof of her claims.

Calls for resignation

Meanwhile, Ngeh who was also DAP central executive committee member called for Mastura to step down as an MP, citing her failure to provide evidence for her claims and the impact of her false accusations.

Ngeh emphasised the importance of trustworthiness and responsibility as a people's representative.

A mysterious silence

As the controversy continued to engulf Malaysian politics, Mastura maintained her silence when approached by the media, avoiding questions and refusing to comment.

She faced growing pressures to respond to the allegations and provide any evidence to support her claims before the deadline set by Guan Eng expired.

The nation watched closely as these allegations, their potential consequences and the response of all parties involved continued to unfold in the coming days.

X user @mil19851 and others said they felt ashamed and pitied Mastura's parents and all the teachers she had throughout her life.

“They have all failed in educating you to be a better person,” they wrote in the comment section.

Besides, another X user @LaPoca3 said Mastura wanted to be popular using Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor's technique.

“She wants to be popular like Sanusi and as she ranks up among her supporters and parties,” they wrote.

X user @nurulnajia wrote it was a shame on Muslim women and people should not judge a book by its cover.

@Rayken_shit wrote "It was a shame as I really liked Pas as previously they have a function.

“It’s the person who leads the party who brings down the good name of the party. I pity the people who believe in your promises,” the comment said.

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