Rising STD rates among young men in Terengganu: Data reveals concerning trend

29 Nov 2023 08:14pm
Zuraida - Photo by Sinar
Zuraida - Photo by Sinar

KUALA TERENGGANU - Data from Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital (HSNZ) indicates that young males between the ages of 18 and 24 are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) compared to females.

Ladang state representative Zuraida Md Noor raised this concern during today's debate session in the Terengganu State Legislative Assembly.

She urged the state government to intensify public awareness campaigns on STD screening and prevention, particularly for gonorrhea.

"I commend the Terengganu State Health Department for its ongoing efforts in educating the public, including teachers and students, about STDs.

"However, one of the challenges health authorities face is the requirement for parental consent for STD screening for individuals under 18.

"Many teenagers are unable to obtain parental consent, hindering authorities' ability to monitor the prevalence of STDs in this age group," she said.

Zuraida proposed several measures to address these issues, including:

  • Collaborating with the Terengganu Department of Islamic Affairs (JHEAT) to instill religious values in teenagers from an early age.
  • Enlisting the support of the Health Volunteer Unit (MyChampion) and the Adolescent Health Program to raise community awareness.
  • Engaging relevant agencies like the Darul Iman Information Secretariat (UPDI) and the Information Department to disseminate health information through social media platforms.

On a separate matter, Zuraida highlighted the challenges faced by women in rural or remote areas accessing mammography services, primarily due to the limited availability of medical centers in these regions.

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"I propose expanding mammography services to rural areas by collaborating with hospitals equipped with mobile mammography facilities," she suggested.

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