Madani government turns one: Nga Kor Ming's impact on local govt development

Hashini Kavishtri Kannan
Hashini Kavishtri Kannan
01 Dec 2023 08:45am
Nga Kor Ming
Nga Kor Ming

SHAH ALAM - Nga Kor Ming is a prominent figure in Malaysian politics and has carved out a successful career marked by significant achievements and contributions to the nation.

From his tenure as deputy speaker in the Dewan Rakyat to his role as the Local Government Development Minister, he has been a steadfast advocate for progress and accountability.

Nga had steered the ship of the Local Government Development Ministry in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's Cabinet since December 2021.

Hailing from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Nga's journey from law practice to politics has been marked by commendable achievements and a commitment to uplifting the people.

In a career spanning decades, Nga also emerged as a prominent figure within the Democratic Action Party (DAP), leaving an indelible mark on Malaysian politics.

Nga began his political journey as Pantai Remis state assemblyman in 1999, and he dedicated nearly a decade to serving his constituency.

Transitioning thereafter, he assumed the role of Kepayang state assemblyman, solidifying his presence in the political arena.

Currently, Nga is Teluk Intan MP, where he advocated for the aspirations of his constituents at the national level.

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At the young age of 27, Nga took on the responsibility of leading the opposition in the Perak state assembly, which showcased his early acumen in political leadership.

Let's look at some of the ministry's initiatives under Nga’s command.

Empowering local authorities

Nga prioritised developing the potential of local authorities as financially resilient organisations. This focus on empowering local governments was aimed at making them economically vibrant and financially resilient.

Comprehensive housing plan

Nga aimed to draw up a more comprehensive housing plan that takes into account the issues of home ownership and construction, as well as strengthening the local community's role in urban development.

Improving waste management

The ministry is working on managing solid waste effectively and efficiently by improving the waste-to-energy method and exploring high-technology methods for waste management.

Closing illegal landfills

As part of the ministry's 100-day plan, they have successfully closed 68 out of 100 illegal landfills.

Enhancing the welfare of people and traders

The ministry has outlined steps to enhance the welfare of people and traders in line with the implementation of the Madani Economy initiative.

Establishing the National Housing Fund

The ministry is discussing with the Finance Ministry establishing the National Housing Fund, which will contribute 10 per cent of the deposit money to families who want to buy their first home.

Multi-stakeholder, participatory governance structure

The ministry has established a mechanism to undertake necessary actions through a multi-stakeholder, participatory governance structure.

On local government elections, Nga said that improving people's lives and the country's economic revival are the priorities, and local government elections can wait until these issues are addressed.

Housing for all

Nga has set a target of providing 500,000 affordable homes under the 12th Malaysia Plan.

Improved Fire and Rescue Services

Nga is reviewing and improving the welfare, facilities, and readiness of the Malaysian Fire and Rescue department.

In a nutshell, Nga has been dedicated to enhancing the living conditions of Malaysians, advocating for the adoption of sustainable development goals, and enhancing the effectiveness of local government services.

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