Animal abuse: 15 kittens drowned to death

30 Nov 2023 06:45pm
Some of the kittens found dead in the Jerantut Wholesale Market area  suspected to have been killed. - Malaysian Animal Association (Facebook)
Some of the kittens found dead in the Jerantut Wholesale Market area suspected to have been killed. - Malaysian Animal Association (Facebook)

KUANTAN - The Malaysian Animal Association is offering a reward of RM5,000 to identify those responsible for drowning 15 kittens at the Jerantut Wholesale Market.

In their statement, the NGO said that the incident was brought to their attention on Wednesday by a resident (complainant) before being reported to them at about 8pm.

Through their Facebook statement, the Malaysian Animal Association extended the reward to the public who successfully unveiled the perpetrators of the cruel act.

"Justice must be sought to prevent the recurrence of worse incidents. Witnesses, whether friends, family members, or acquaintances who know the individuals or groups intentionally drown all the kittens at the Jerantut Wholesale Market can contact Malaysia Animal Crime Transparency – MyAct at," they said.

The NGO assured confidentiality for the main witness who successfully unravelled the psychopathic crime.

"The responsible parties need to be brought to trial and receive punishment for the cruelty they have committed," they said.

Meanwhile, the Jerantut District Police Chief Superintendent Azman Mat Kamis, when contacted, said that they have not received any police reports regarding the case so far.

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