Youth and Sports Ministry duo retained despite criticism

12 Dec 2023 12:42pm
The decision to retain Hannah and Adam despite the criticisms raises questions about the direction of the Youth and Sports Ministry. - Photo by Bernama
The decision to retain Hannah and Adam despite the criticisms raises questions about the direction of the Youth and Sports Ministry. - Photo by Bernama

SHAH ALAM - Despite facing criticism for their performance and lack of experience, Hannah Yeoh and Adam Adli Abdul Halim will continue serving as Minister and Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, respectively.

This decision by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has sparked debate and raised questions about the future of the ministry.

Concerns about Adam Adli's experience

Sources close to the ministry have expressed concerns about Adam's ability to keep up with his senior, Yeoh, due to his relative inexperience. While Adam has been involved in politics for several years, his transition to the demanding role of Deputy Minister has proven challenging.

Insiders say he placed under Yeoh to ensure he gets the proper guidance and mentorship from “workaholic Hannah” as he was still young.

Sources told Sinar Daily: “Adam Adli will be in the administration, he needs to be there as he is the Youth Chief for PKR”.

Criticisms and viral photo

Both Yeoh and Adam recently faced a wave of public criticism after a photo surfaced online showing them examining the grass at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

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Many internet users questioned the significance of such activity and whether it reflected a misplaced focus on trivial matters.

Some sarcastically remarked that being a minister must be easy if inspecting grass becomes a priority.

Others took offence to the perception that the ministers were not actively addressing more pressing issues within the youth and sports sectors.

The photo, later confirmed to be from 2022, was widely circulated and turned into memes, further fueling the controversy.

Adam's past activism and challenges in adjusting

Despite his long-standing involvement in activism, Adam's adjustment to the role of Deputy Minister has not been without challenges.

His past activism, which included anti-establishment protests and advocating for academic freedom, may not translate seamlessly to the demands of government work.

He was even questioned by former Youth and Sports Minister and Muda co-founder Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman about his commitment to reforms for youth issues.

Syed Saddiq’s Muda secretary-general Amir Abd Hadi, who is Adam’s good friend and street protest buddy back in the days, also highlighted Adam’s silence — especially when it came to the Universities and University Colleges Act (AUKU) 1971 — despite himself being a "victim" of the controversial law.

Future of the ministry and public perception

The decision to retain Yeoh and Adam despite the criticisms raises questions about the direction of the Youth and Sports Ministry.

While some argue that their experience and potential should be given a chance, others remain skeptical about their ability to effectively address the challenges facing young people and the sports sector.

The public's perception of the ministry will likely depend on their performance in the coming months.

Yeoh and Adam will need to demonstrate strong leadership and a clear vision for the future if they want to win back public trust and effectively serve the needs of young people in Malaysia.

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