Agriculture and Food Security Ministry continues to focus on paddy production - Mat Sabu

13 Dec 2023 11:32am
Picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIX
Picture for illustrative purposes - FILE PIX
BAGAN SERAI - Agriculture and Food Security Ministry will continue to focus on implementing programmes capable of giving added value in efforts to increase paddy production in the country.

Its minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, said the reason is that rice is the staple food in the country and to strengthen the national food security agenda.

"The focus of our ministry is to ensure that the main staple food, which is rice, is sufficient," he said in response to a cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anway Ibrahim yesterday which saw him maintaining the post.

He was met after closing the Entrepreneurship and Curriculum Day at Maahad Al-Ehya Assharif Gunung Semanggol here last night.

Towards ensuring sufficient padi production in the country, Mohamad said the government was also in the process of expanding the padi farming areas including in Sabah and Sarawak - BERNAMA
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