Make this Christmas green: Top tips for a sustainable holiday season

23 Dec 2023 01:00pm
Pix for illustration purpose only. - Photo by Bernama
Pix for illustration purpose only. - Photo by Bernama

THE festive season is a time for joy, family and giving. But it can also be a time for excess waste and environmental impact.

This year, why not make a conscious effort to have a greener Christmas?

Here are some easy tips offered by leading global environmental charity group WWF to help you achieve that:


  • Give quality over quantity: Think carefully about who you're buying for and choose gifts that they'll truly appreciate and use. This reduces the risk of unwanted presents ending up in the landfill.
  • Gift experiences: Memories often last longer than material possessions. Give your loved ones the gift of shared experiences like concert tickets, a weekend getaway or even a homemade meal cooked by you.
  • Choose sustainable materials: Opt for gifts made from recycled materials, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified wood or organic and fairtrade products. Look for vintage clothes or refurbished electronics for unique and sustainable finds.

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  • Plan ahead and reduce waste: Don't overbuy groceries to avoid food spoilage. Use leftovers creatively to minimise waste.
  • Embrace plant-based meals: Meat production has a significant environmental impact. Try incorporating more vegetarian and vegan dishes into your holiday menu.
  • Support local and seasonal: Purchasing local and seasonal produce reduces food miles and contributes to a more sustainable food system.

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  • DIY and upcycle: Get creative and make your own decorations from recycled materials like paper or cardboard. Or breathe new life into old ornaments by giving them a makeover.
  • Choose reusable: Ditch single-use tablecloths and napkins. Opt for reusable cloth options that can be washed and used year after year.
  • Light it up responsibly: Use energy-efficient LED lights for your Christmas tree and decorations. Remember to switch them off when not in use.

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Out and About:

  • Embrace sustainable fashion: Before buying a new outfit for the festive season, explore your existing wardrobe or borrow from friends and family. Consider second-hand shops or online platforms for pre-loved options.
  • Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors and appreciate the beauty of the winter season. Take a walk in a local park, visit a nature reserve, or simply go stargasing on a clear night.
By following these simple tips, you can make your Christmas celebration more sustainable and enjoy the holidays knowing you're doing your part for the planet.

Remember, every little bit counts!