No sign of party hopping among PKR MPs - Iswardy

10 Jan 2024 10:26am
Iswardy during the Wacana Sinar Series 427 programme. - Photo by ASRIL ASWANDI SHUKOR/SINAR
Iswardy during the Wacana Sinar Series 427 programme. - Photo by ASRIL ASWANDI SHUKOR/SINAR

SHAH ALAM - There is no indication of any movement towards party hopping by any PKR MPs.

PKR information coordination secretary Iswardy Morni said this is clear and can be observed, unlike during the Sheraton Move in 2020.

"The Sheraton Move was clear. For your information, I know about the Sheraton Move, that meeting, on the day it happened at Sheraton.

"Some people conveyed information that morning because we were monitoring the Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali group who was there.

"So from there, we could see there was movement, but this time (Dubai Move), we don't see any movement, except for words," he said.

He made these remarks during the Wacana Sinar Series 427 programme titled "Langkah Dubai: Betul-Betul Atau ‘Cobaan’?" held at the Karangkraf Complex yesterday.

The programme, hosted by Ismail Adnan, also featured the Executive Director of Ilham Centre, Muhamad Hisomuddin Bakar, and Bersatu Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof as panellists.

Iswardy added that there is no reason for PKR MPs who have already become part of the government to attempt party hopping.

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"People always have motivations or motives for what they want to do.

"If they want to move from the opposition to the government, it might be because they want positions, status, or allocations.

"But from the government to the opposition, which may result in them having to pay RM10 million and possibly losing their seats, why? That's a question we should ask.

"To answer the question of whether there are PKR members who are currently MPs, from what I have observed within my party, I don't see that tendency," he noted.

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