Taming the waves in Kemasin

14 Jan 2024 04:00pm
A surfer from Kemasin Surfing Club (KSC) riding the waves at Pantai Kemasin recently. Photo by Bernama
A surfer from Kemasin Surfing Club (KSC) riding the waves at Pantai Kemasin recently. Photo by Bernama

BACHOK - The presence of a group of young people with surfboards at Pantai Kemasin here since November last year must have raised many questions.

Not many are aware Pantai Kemasin, facing the South China Sea, is one of the best locations for surfing during the northeast monsoon in Kelantan.

This led to the setting up of the Kemasin Surfing Club (KSC).

One of the founders of the club, Muhamad Fazreen Haiqal Azmi, 25, said the northeast monsoon produces big waves and strong winds.

"It is the time the club members look forward to the most because that’s the time we have ‘beautiful waves’,” he said.

According to Fazreen, surfing became a sport in Kelantan in 2016 by two people known as 'Mat Mie' and 'Julat' who started surfing in several locations in Kelantan such as Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Pantai Irama and Pantai Sabak, as well as at Kemasin.

Fazreen is one of the three founders of Kemasin Surfing Club. Photo by Bernama
Fazreen is one of the three founders of Kemasin Surfing Club. Photo by Bernama

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"But at that time, there were not many people who were interested and knew about the sport., and I, myself, was only active in the sport in October 2022," he said when met, recently.

Fazreen, known as 'Yeng' to close friends, said that KSC was established in February last year to popularise the sport among the Kelantan people.

"Many people are still not aware that there is surfing in Kelantan and so I, together with two friends, Abe Mohd and Aiman, set up KSC to popularise the sport.

"Alhamdulillah, it is showing positive results...there are now about 30 to 40 active surfers at Kemasin,” he said.

Fazreen said he had been to several locations such as Pantai Tembila, Besut and Batu Burok in Terengganu, as well as Cherating in Pahang to surf, but surfing at Kemasin "offers a different experience”.

"The waves at Kemasin can reach about 1.9 metres high, but not as big as in Cherating, but the excitement is still there. Every location offers a different experience,” he said, adding that surfing activities at the beach usually start as early as 7 am to 4 pm.

Seeing the potential of the water sport in Kelantan, Muhamad Fazreen now also offers classes to surfers.

One of his students, Vincent Chia, 32, said he has been active in the sport since a few months ago.

"I'm active in skateboarding, but when I found out about this surfing activity at Pantai Kemasin I decided to learn with Yeng.

"Surfing is different compared to skateboarding, apart from surfing for fun there is also a sense of freedom and fun, and most importantly when you fall you don't get hurt," said the young man from Kok Lanas. - BERNAMA

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