Malaysia's Legal Stand

The relentless 108-day war characterised by continuous bombardment, shootings and severe restrictions on vital resources such as water, food and power demands urgent international action.

24 Jan 2024 08:28am
The Kuala Lumpur Tower on Jan 12 illuminated with red, white and green lights representing the colours of the Palestinian flag as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza who are currently under attack by the Israeli Zionist regime. - BERNAMA FILE PIX
The Kuala Lumpur Tower on Jan 12 illuminated with red, white and green lights representing the colours of the Palestinian flag as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza who are currently under attack by the Israeli Zionist regime. - BERNAMA FILE PIX

In response to Wisma Putra's press release on Jan 22, addressing the prolonged crisis in Palestine, we wish to express our appreciation to the Malaysian government for the attention given to this critical matter.

The relentless 108-day war characterised by continuous bombardment, shootings and severe restrictions on vital resources such as water, food and power demands urgent international action.

In light of our nation's commitment to human rights and equality, it is imperative that we not only condemn the documented acts of genocide, as evident in numerous interviews, speeches and videos, but also take substantive actions to address this humanitarian crisis.

We acknowledge and commend the efforts of Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan as the Foreign Minister for his upcoming participation in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Ministerial-Level Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question in New York, United States of America on Jan 23, which underscores the nation's dedication to finding a just and lasting resolution to the injustices towards the people of Palestine.

We are also in full support of the Malaysian government's participation and involvement in the Public Hearing Session to request an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences arising from Israeli’s occupation in Palestine.

The Malaysian government’s call for an immediate ceasefire, opposition to the forced displacement of Palestinians, insistence on the urgent need for humanitarian aid in Gaza, and the crucial need to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people reflect a principled stand for justice and adherence to human rights standards.

In addition to the above, it is with a sense of urgency and deep concern that we urge the Malaysian government to demonstrate leadership by aligning with the nations such as South Africa, that have pursued legal remedies against Israel within the ICJ. This strategic stance is fundamental, and we implore on the Malaysian government to initiate similar legal action against Israel at the ICJ, which aligns with the global call for accountability and justice in the face of ongoing humanitarian crises.

We stand in solidarity with the Malaysian government in its efforts to champion the rights and well-being of the Palestinian people on the international stage, but it is imperative that the Malaysian government acts now, to address the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people. If not now when?

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6. Muslim Care Malaysia

7. BDS

8. Citizens International

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10. ⁠MyCARE

11. KDMRS Muslim

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of Sinar Daily.

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