Malaysia among key nations pivotal to achieve unity among Muslim countries - International scholar

25 Jan 2024 10:00pm
Kuwait Islamic scholar Dr Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan - Photo: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia
Kuwait Islamic scholar Dr Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan - Photo: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR - A renowned international Muslim scholar, Dr Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan, highlighted four major Muslim countries that are capable of bringing about unity among Muslim nations.

During a Roundtable Discussion at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia, here Tuesday, the Kuwaiti scholar noted that Malaysia alongside Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkiye are among the key nations pivotal to achieving this goal.

According to IAIS, the scholar pointed out that this unity is one of the two primary objectives of the Muslim Ummah, while another objective involves advancing Muslim countries by two-thirds in various competitive areas, with a specific emphasis on achieving improved rankings in education.

"Dr Tareq expressed optimism regarding the realisation of these goals for the Muslim Ummah's confederacy," said IAIS in a statement.

In his discourse titled "Muslim Leadership in the Face of Challenging Global Developments," Tareq acknowledged the obstacles hindering progress, including the formidable challenge of corruption.

Recognising that corruption has deprived many Muslim countries of their wealth, he emphasised the need to redirect these resources for more constructive purposes.

According to IAIS, most of the ideas by Tareq align with the Madani concept of good governance upheld by the Malaysian government under the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. - BERNAMA

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