Woman gets three years' jail for splashing hot water on son

31 Jan 2024 04:29pm
Photo for illustration purposes only - Source: 123RF
Photo for illustration purposes only - Source: 123RF

MELAKA - The Ayer Keroh Sessions Court here today sentenced a housewife to three years imprisonment for causing grievous hurt to her teenage son by splashing hot water on him because he had used up her mobile phone data.

Judge Mohd Sabri Ismail handed down the sentence on the 38-year-old woman after she pleaded guilty to the charge.

The woman was ordered to serve the jail sentence from the date of arrest, which was July 8, 2023.

She was charged with committing the offence to the boy, who was then 13 years old, at a government quarters in Sungai Udang here at 2.56am on June 27, 2022.

The charge, framed under Section 326 of the Penal Code and read together with Section 326A of the same law, provides imprisonment for up to 20 years and a fine, or whipping, if found guilty.

During mitigation, the woman, unrepresented, told the court that she has three other children, including a six-year-old autistic child.

Deputy public prosecutor Muhammad Nazrin Ali Rahim prosecuted. - BERNAMA

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