Should school graduations be held in hotels?

04 Feb 2024 11:00am
Photo for illustration purposes only. - 123RF
Photo for illustration purposes only. - 123RF

Lately, debates have sparked about the trend of grand graduation ceremonies for students which are considered excessive and extravagant as these celebrations are held in hotels instead of schools.

There were various opinions and arguments over the issue on social media.

Schools were also alleged to have made the decision without taking into account the parents' financial situations.

Some even argued that organising graduation ceremonies in luxury hotels was unnecessary and wasteful.

There were also those who urged the Education Ministry to abolish convocation rituals, arguing that they were not necessary adding that it was sufficient for such ceremonies to be held at schools.

The counseling and guidance unit at schools should act as intermediaries in informing administrators to not make graduation day an annual event.

Meanwhile, based on a survey conducted by Sinar, there were various feedbacks regarding the organisation of student graduation ceremonies in hotels.

Some agreed, while others disagreed and each of them provided their own arguments.

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Mall manager Tan Kah Wei, 25:

"Considering the current situation and needs, I believe that it is not wrong if parents spend a large sum of money to celebrate their children's graduation day.

"I believe the decision or initiative of schools to hold graduation ceremonies in hotels is a suitable initiative to celebrate students who have completed their studies.

"This is because the event held at the hotel will instill feelings of pride and joy among them.

"Through such ceremonies, students will feel that the school and parents recognise their academic achievements and hard work throughout the learning sessions.

"Not only that, we also need to understand that students also want to create memories with friends and teachers through a well-organised graduation ceremony."

Dhol player, Rebecca Joseph, 26:

"It cannot be denied that school graduation ceremonies held in five-star hotels, in particular, require significant expenditure, but indirectly they also expose students to the outside world.

"Since these students will enter adulthood, it is appropriate for them to experience new things such as being celebrated for completing their studies in a hotel.

"The experience of being in a luxury setting will stimulate a sense of motivation for students to learn and work hard to enjoy a comfortable life in the future.

"I also believe that students who have worked hard in their studies and achieved excellent and commendable examination results should be rewarded.

"To avoid oppressing less financially able parents who have to bear the necessary costs for their children to attend graduation ceremonies, I suggest that schools organise donation collection programmes.

"At the same time, I would also like to remind that students also need to play their part by collecting a small daily spending allowance to alleviate the burden on parents."


Housewife, Normah Jaafar, 61:

"As a mother, I believe that holding graduation ceremonies in five-star hotels every year is actually burdensome.

"This is because parents have to spend hundreds of ringgit just to meet the school's demand to celebrate the end of students' learning at prestigious hotels.

"Schools, especially administrators, should not hold graduation ceremonies in luxury venues just to be seen as prestigious and followed by other schools.

"Not all parents have enough money to pay for the cost of attending such events.

"Upon reflection, the cost amounting to hundreds of ringgit can actually cover household expenses for a week.

"Not only that, teachers also need to consider the fate of other students who cannot attend such events because their parents do not have enough money.

"This situation will cause children to lose motivation and at the same time create conflicts or discomfort between them and their parents."

Housewife, Nur Nisa Nasuha Abi Hussaini, 25:

"In my opinion, schools can organise graduation ceremonies but it is sufficient to hold them at the school to allow all students to be involved.

"If schools choose to hold them in hotels, it indirectly burdens parents as they have to spend a large sum of money just to fulfil their children's wishes.

"Parents will definitely need to spend more because besides hotel costs, their children will certainly need new attire to attend their graduation ceremonies.

"For me, if schools insist on holding graduation ceremonies in hotels, it will cause problems between parents and children if they cannot attend the event.

"Children will surely feel disappointed and think that their parents do not care, besides feeling left out compared to other friends who can attend graduation ceremonies.

"So, I think schools need to reconsider the decision to hold school graduation ceremonies to avoid burdening parents and ensure that all students can attend."

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