Muda's Abe Lim clarifies non-association with scam aliases, seeks to aid victims

Abe Lim apologises to victims

01 Feb 2024 08:40pm
Abe has filed a police report - Photo taken from Abe Lim's Instagram
Abe has filed a police report - Photo taken from Abe Lim's Instagram

SHAH ALAM - In a startling disclosure, Muda's Abe Lim has come forward to shed light on a series of online scams that have exploited her identity, leaving many victims in a state of financial and emotional devastation.

The climate activist and law graduate disclosed receiving countless messages from individuals under the false belief that they were in a romantic involvement with her.

These individuals, unfortunately, fell victim to a well-orchestrated scam operation.

The scam involves the manipulative use of Abe's photographs to trick people into transferring money for various pretenses, including day-to-day living costs, medical expenses, or aiding family members in need.

The emergence of numerous victims sharing akin experiences highlighted the grave repercussions of these scams, with losses ranging significantly, from $2,000 to a staggering $442,000.

"Practically every day, I receive messages from individuals convinced they're in a relationship with me.

"These messages are filled with anger, confusion, and pleas for the return of money - money they were misled into sending me for daily living costs, medical bills, or family support.

"Initially, I dismissed these messages, aware that it wasn't actually me they were engaging with.

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"However, as more individuals came forward with matching stories, the grim reality of these scams came to light.

"These fraudulent activities, orchestrated by a well-organised group, have led to severe consequences.

"Some have faced financial losses as high as $442,000, others around $2,000, and, most tragically, a few have been pushed to the edge of despair," Abe shared in her Instagram post today.

In response to the fraudulent activities, Abe has filed a police report to formally address the issue.

She also turned to social media to clarify her non-association with online aliases such as Dora, Anna, Xia Yue, or any other names implicated in these scams.

"It deeply saddens me to learn that my images were misused in such a deceitful manner, causing harm to these individuals.

"I am truly sorry for their financial losses and the emotional turmoil they've endured.

"To tackle this issue, I've filed a police report and wish to make it clear that I am not the individual known as Dora, Anna, Xia Yue, or any other name linked to these scams," she added.

In an effort to support the victims and motivate them to step forward, Abe encouraged Malaysians to reach out to the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997 within 24 hours should they suspect being scammed.

Abe also acknowledged the seriousness of the situation by sharing excerpts from her inbox, filled with messages from victims within just a single day.

"I want to clarify once more that I have no online chat accounts.

"I don’t adopt any aliases nor am I Canadian.

"My response rate is low not due to negligence, but because I am frequently busy and prefer to spend my free time offline," she reiterated.

Expressing remorse for not publicly addressing the issue sooner, Abe extended a heartfelt apology for overlooking previous communications related to these scams.

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