Hero mom risks all to save disabled daughter from burning stall

Mother's bravery saves the day

01 Feb 2024 09:37pm
Despite the losses, Asmiza is grateful that she and her daughter are safe.
Despite the losses, Asmiza is grateful that she and her daughter are safe.

KOTA BHARU - A mother's quick action saved her disabled daughter from a fire that engulfed their shop premises in Kampung Biah, Perol, earlier today.

Asmiza Mustapha, 48, was preparing to open her stall when she heard her 20-year-old daughter, Nur Hanis Mohamad, call for help with her diapers.

"I was frying chicken when I heard the call.

"My husband, Mohamad, was in another room. I went to Nur Hanis, and then I heard a loud bang from the kitchen," Asmiza recounted.

The bang was an electrical explosion from the water pump engine, which quickly ignited a fire.

"I yelled for Mohamad and grabbed Nur Hanis.

"The fire spread quickly, but I managed to get us both out," Asmiza said.

Unfortunately, the fire spread rapidly, trapping Mohamad inside the shop.

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"He was stuck in the bathroom for about 15 minutes.

"He managed to escape by kicking open the back door, but not before inhaling a lot of smoke," she added.

Mohamad suffered chest pain and shock from the ordeal.

They lost all their business equipment, food supplies, and cash, amounting to around RM20,000.

Despite the losses, Asmiza is grateful that she and her daughter are safe.

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