Northport bridges education-employment gap, recruits directly from schools

Futureproofing the workforce

06 Feb 2024 11:32am
Photo for illustration purpose only. - FILE PIX by Sinar
Photo for illustration purpose only. - FILE PIX by Sinar

SHAH ALAM - Northport has launched a unique initiative to connect with younger generations by recruiting potential employees directly from schools.

This move aimed to bridge the gap between education and employment in the port industry.

Its Chief Executive Officer Datuk Azman Shah Mohd Yusof disclosed that the port has adopted an innovative approach to talent acquisition, actively engaging with educational institutions through events like awards ceremonies and job fairs.

"In terms of recruiting workers, our strategy involves visiting schools and interacting with students.

"This provides us with an opportunity to introduce the career path within the port industry to the younger generation.

"Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) seamlessly align with the skills required in the port industry, making it an ideal choice for students interested in pursuing a career in this field," he said during a meeting coinciding with a courtesy visit from the Sinar Karangkraf delegation recently.

Azman stressed the importance of showcasing a diverse range of career options within the port sector during these engagements.

Showcasing Diverse Opportunities

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He said job fairs organised by Northport have become a crucial platform for introducing various roles, including lorry drivers, Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) drivers, and harbor pilots, to students.

"When we participate in job fairs, we focus on presenting a comprehensive view of the opportunities available in the port industry.

"We highlight jobs like lorry driving, RTG driving, and harbor piloting, providing students with a glimpse into the various facets of our operations.

"Our goal is to inspire interest in these professions and encourage young talents to consider pursuing relevant courses to prepare for these roles," he added.

Azman further noted that the port engages with students to discuss potential career paths within the industry.

Guiding Students' Career Paths

He pointed out the importance of guiding students on an educational journey aligned with their interests and the diverse departments within the port.

"We go beyond just introducing job titles; we take the time to explain the various career paths students can choose within the port sector.

"Whether it's studying a particular course to become a harbor pilot or venturing into a specific department, we want to empower students with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about their future careers," he said.

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