Where's the bread & butter in 'lone wolf' PMX's first year?

Pakatan Harapan's political paradox: Rising and falling on the same sword

07 Feb 2024 12:30pm
Photo for illustration purpose only. - Photo credit: Pakatan Harapan FB
Photo for illustration purpose only. - Photo credit: Pakatan Harapan FB

MALAYSIANS had their pulses racing yesterday when Bank Negara Malaysia clarified that reports of the ringgit plummeting to 6.24 against the US dollar were false.

Headlines screamed, "Ringgit 'drop' to 6.24 against US dollar an error - Bank Negara" across news platforms.

Yet, this was just the tip of the iceberg for Malaysians, who've been dodging blunders left and right these days.

Let's zoom into a colossal error: Pakatan Harapan (PH).

This coalition, which ascended to power riding the waves of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and Datuk Seri Najib Razak's notoriety, seems poised for a fall in the upcoming GE16, ironically due to the same reasons.

Under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PH has achieved a peculiar feat: transforming die-hard supporters into mirror images of politicians.

We often hear arguments like, "Listen up, guys. If Zahid (Umno President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi) withdraws, it spells doom for the PH government. So, if Umno demands Najib's freedom, PMX has to ditch his dreams. After all, freeing Najib might just win more Malay hearts for the government."

This is the harsh truth for Malaysians, once celebrated for their ideals, now navigating the murky waters of realpolitik.

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The alarm rang when Zahid received his Dismissal Not Amounting to Acquittal (DNAA), prompting a resigned "it can't be helped" from the populace.

Now, it's Najib's turn.

Although he didn't receive a DNAA, his prison term was significantly reduced by the Pardon's Board.

As predicted, the backlash was swift and widespread, with social media, news outlets, and voices from both inside and outside government circles making their dissatisfaction known.

A notable critique came from the G25, a collective of esteemed retired civil servants, who respectfully challenged the Pardon's Board's leniency towards Najib, given his lack of guilt admission, remorse, or restitution for the funds misappropriated.

Turning back to our list of errors, and yes, PMX himself occupies the second spot.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, his supporters paint him as a lone warrior leading an inexperienced Cabinet.

Since taking the helm from the founder of Keluarga Malaysia, what significant reforms has PMX introduced?

Aside from the Central Database Hub (Padu), which quickly attracted criticism for its security flaws, his tenure has been marked by a string of mentions with no substantial progress on essential livelihood issues since December 2023.

One wonders about the whereabouts of Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek and Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli.

Perhaps they're still huddled in Unity Government's Cyberjaya retreat, plotting the Unity Government's strategy for 2024.

No need to ask about Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution, who's entangled in addressing the police force's new set of woes, including misconduct, rape, and a recent alleged assault leading to murder in Langkawi.

The Madani Government's first anniversary feels more like the most extended first year for voters.

I'm not advocating for Parliament's dissolution, but the people are weary.

It's high time the Cabinet to step up and fulfill its promises to the Rakyat.

Remember, it's not just Najib and Nooryana Najwa feeling let down by Malaysia's latest saga; the disappointment runs deep among the masses.

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