Conflict in Gaza holds profound implications for stability, power balance - Expert

12 Feb 2024 04:30pm
A Palestinian youth inspects a car wreck following Israeli bombardment in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Jan 8, 2024. - (Photo by SAID KHATIB / AFP)
A Palestinian youth inspects a car wreck following Israeli bombardment in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Jan 8, 2024. - (Photo by SAID KHATIB / AFP)

KUALA LUMPUR - As traditional alliances evolve and new players assert their influence, the future trajectory of the conflict in Gaza holds profound implications for regional stability and the balance of power worldwide, according to Wadah Khanfar, the President of Al-Sharq Forum.

The International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia noted that Wadah, who is also the former Director General of Al-Jazeera, delivered a compelling analysis of the conflict in Gaza within the framework of the shifting dynamics of the contemporary world order during a talk hosted by IAIS, here on Thursday.

IAIS said Khanfar's address shed light on the multifaceted dimensions of the conflict, exploring its historical roots, current developments, and potential future trajectories.

"He emphasised the crucial role of geopolitical shifts, emerging power dynamics, and evolving alliances in shaping the course of events in the region," IAIS said in a statement.

During the conclusion of his lecture, Khanfar suggested that Malaysia invite a representative from the South African government to this country to receive official thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Muslim community for their efforts and success in bringing Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

IAIS pointed out that the conflict in Gaza has long been a focal point of regional and international attention, reflecting broader geopolitical shifts and power dynamics.

Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing global order, the recent escalation of hostilities has once again brought the volatile situation to the forefront, said the statement. - BERNAMA

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