Take these steps to prevent drowning incidents

25 Feb 2024 11:30am
Photo for illustrative purpose only.
Photo for illustrative purpose only.

What was supposed to be a happy family picnic at the Batu Buruk beach in Terengganu, last Sunday (Feb 18) turned into tragedy when one of them drowned.

Zulkarnain Mohamed Zubir, 44, was swept away by waves while strolling on the beach.

According to news reports, the victim, his wife Nora Elina Abdul Khalit, 44, and two daughters aged nine and 11, arrived in Kuala Terengganu two days before the incident for a vacation.

The family was spending time together picnicking on the beach before they return to Kuala Lumpur the next day.

However, Nora then found her husband suddenly caught in a current.

She said she did not expect their family vacation to end in an untoward incident.

How do drowning incidents occur?

According to Healthline, drowning is a form of death due to suffocation.

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Death occurred after the lungs were filled with water and will disrupt breathing.

When drowning occurs, the organs become heavy and the supply of oxygen to the heart stops. Without oxygen supply, the body will die.

On average, a person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds. For children, the duration was shorter.

A person with very good health and equip with emergency water training could typically hold their breath for only two minutes.

Meanwhile, the MyHealth portal stated that drowning incidents could result in lung infections and permanent brain tissue damage.

What are the symptoms of drowning?

According to MyHealth, the signs of drowning depended on its severity, including:

- Coughing

- Gasping

- Vomiting

- Wheezing

- Bluish skin

- Unconsciousness

The medical site also stated that the steps that could be taken if a person was almost drowning were:

- Assess the surroundings for any danger.

- Evaluate the victim's level of consciousness.

- Seek help.

- Check the victim's airway, breathing and pulse.

- Remove any foreign objects from the victim's mouth (if any).

- Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) if the victim is found not breathing.

- Seek medical assistance immediately.

- Drowning or near-drowning incidents must be avoided.

One can prevent drowning and near-drowning incidents by taking these steps:

- Learn to swim.

- Avoid swimming alone (especially children).

- Put on a life jacket when riding a boat and engaging in water activities.

- Install fencing around the pool or high-risk drowning areas to prevent children from drowning.

- Provide a lifeguard in high-risk areas.