Unbecoming of PM to make insinuations statements, Daim's lawyers over Anwar’s comments on anti-graft probe

They called for Anwar to refrain from making further comments that could compromise the integrity of legal process.

01 Mar 2024 09:33pm
In response to Anwar's recent statement regarding ongoing court proceedings and MACC investigations, lawyers representing Tun Daim Zainuddin, Rajesh Nagarajan and Sachpreetraj Singh, have issued a press statement addressing the matter. BERNAMA FILE PIX
In response to Anwar's recent statement regarding ongoing court proceedings and MACC investigations, lawyers representing Tun Daim Zainuddin, Rajesh Nagarajan and Sachpreetraj Singh, have issued a press statement addressing the matter. BERNAMA FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM – Remarks made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that he is puzzled by the silence of the Opposition bloc in voicing support for Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigations into the "super rich" over cases linked to corruption were seen as inappropriate and reckless.

In a statement, lawyers representing former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, Rajesh Nagarajan and Sachpreetraj Singh criticised the remarks, which they claimed was over ongoing proceedings and MACC investigations into their client.

“We refer to PM Anwar Ibrahim’s statement on Feb 29, 2024 where he said that recent action was taken by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) “against one of the major figures considered to be among the richest. But there was no voice of support among the opposition”.

“This is clearly about the ongoing court proceedings and MACC investigation upon Tun Daim Zainuddin. Indeed, many news outlets linked the PM’s statement with Tun Daim.

“By this statement, the PM is again painting Tun Daim in the blackest colours and insinuating that he is guilty of crimes, although no court has found him guilty of any offence whatsoever.

“He goes so far as to try to drum up public opinion against Tun Daim by criticising the opposition for keeping silent about the purported ongoing probe,” the statement read.

The lawyers highlighted that this was not the first instance of Anwar publicly criticising Tun Daim in recent months, indicating a pattern of behaviour.

“Why does Anwar need to call for the opposition and others to support the MACC’s actions?” they questioned.

The lawyers emphasised the importance of allowing the legal process outlined in the MACC Act to proceed without interference or external pressure.

“It is unbecoming and reckless for the person occupying the influential position of Prime Minister to make such insinuations and inflammatory statements regarding an ongoing probe and pending court proceedings.

“Anwar’s statement is highly prejudicial to the pending court proceedings and capable of exerting undue pressure and influence upon the MACC,” they said.

Furthermore, the lawyers argued that Anwar's statements disrespected and interfered with both the court and investigative processes, suggesting that Daim's guilt had already been established and the rest was mere formality.

They called for Anwar to refrain from making further comments that could compromise the integrity of the legal process.

“The Prime Minister must forthwith cease making such comments in relation to the ongoing court and investigative process against Tun Daim.

“Anwar must remember that under our criminal justice system, every person is entitled to a fair and unbiased legal process, free from all interference,” they stated.

On Jan 29, Daim was charged with deliberately giving a written statement under oath that did not comply with the terms of the notice under Section 36(1)(a) of the MACC Act 2009 dated Nov 8, 2023.

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