Rejal left profound impact on journalism in Malaysia - PM

The veteran journalist was among the earliest media practitioners to explore the concept of bilingual media.

29 Mar 2024 01:32pm
Rejal was laid to rest at  Section 21 Muslim Cemetery, Shah Alam. Photo by Bernama
Rejal was laid to rest at Section 21 Muslim Cemetery, Shah Alam. Photo by Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today described the deeds and contributions put forth by National Journalism Laureate 2014 Datuk Ahmad Rejal Arbee Mohamed Isa Arbee as having left a profound impact on journalism in Malaysia.

He said Rejal, who was the editor-in-chief of the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) and former group editor of Berita Harian was among the earliest media practitioners to explore the concept of bilingual media.

"My condolences to the family. May Allah forgive all his sins and grant him a special place in Jannah, Insya-Allah,” he posted on Facebook.

Rejal breathed his last at 2am at the Shah Alam Hospital today. He was 83.

The veteran journalist was admitted to the hospital last Friday due to a lung infection.

He was laid to rest at the Section 21 Muslim cemetery in Shah Alam. Almost 200 members of his family and media fraternity were there to pay their last respects.

Rejal was named the National Journalism Laureate during the Malaysian Press Institute (MPI)-Petronas Journalism Award 2014 for his outstanding contribution to the nation in the field of journalism. - BERNAMA

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