Viral video misleading: JPA clarifies simulated exercise, slams negative spin

JPA debunks viral video of government official

12 Apr 2024 05:34pm
The JPA has clarified that the video is a ‘simulation scenario’ aimed at testing the preparedness of security personnel in facing provocative attack situations.
The JPA has clarified that the video is a ‘simulation scenario’ aimed at testing the preparedness of security personnel in facing provocative attack situations.

PUTRAJAYA - A video that went viral recently showing a ‘tense moment’ involving a ‘civil servant’ from an audience asking Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali a question is part of a simulation exercise done previously to demonstrate the security personnel's preparedness in the event of a provocative situation.

The Public Services Department (JPA) in a statement today said it believed the video was shared on social media by irresponsible parties to play up negative sentiments against the government.

"The JPA views seriously any attempt to weaken public service institutions by giving the impression that the government is not responsible for the issues and welfare of public officials in the country," according to JPA.

Earlier, a local portal shared a video lasting more than a minute which showed a public official asking Mohd Zuki about the ‘application status for government quarters’, and the official was ‘restrained’ by the auxiliary police present when the situation became ‘tense’.

JPA also called on the public not to be easily deceived by the information shared to tarnish the image of the government and public service.

"The action of uploading any false content that invites misunderstanding and misleads the public is punishable under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998," it stressed. - BERNAMA

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