100 students unable to attend school as KTMB train pulls a no show

10 Jan 2022 01:00pm
Some 100 students in Kampung Kuala Gris, Kuala Krai were unable to attend school when the shuttle train did not stop at the station last Sunday.
Some 100 students in Kampung Kuala Gris, Kuala Krai were unable to attend school when the shuttle train did not stop at the station last Sunday.
KUALA KRAI -- Some 100 students in Kampung Kuala Gris were stranded here when the train meant to arrive at 7 am had not stopped at the station on Sunday (January 5).

The incident happened when Sinar Harian had made checks on the first day of school after Kelantan had entered Phase Four of the National Recovery Plan (NRP).

Students who were eager to attend school on Sunday expressed their disappointment when the train they were meant to board, did not stop at the Kuala Gris station.

After waiting 30 minutes at the station, they then made the decision to return home and miss school on the first day of schooling. This is because it would take them 25 minutes via car to get to school compared to only 17 minutes with the train.

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Dabong student, Siti Masitah Mat Nasir said she had woke up as early as 5am as she was so eager to head to school.

"The first day is definitely fun and I'm excited but disappointed that the train didn't stop.

"It is hard for me to go to school because my parents have gone out to work, so I can only head back home,'' she said to Sinar Harian yesterday.

Siti Masitah also said that she and her friends had taken the decision to return home.

Meanwhile, Kuala Gris sub-district chief Badrul Shahudin, when met on location, said he has contacted Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) to inform on the incident.
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"I was also shocked to hear this morning's (January 9) incident and it has never happened before.

Back then old trains can reverse their course but modern trains are not able to do so,'' he said.

He hopes that such matters won't happen again as Sunday is the first school session in Kelantan and students are extremely excited.

KTMB apologise for the incident

SMK Dabong students have missed the first day of the school year after they were stranded at the Kuala Gris train station last Sunday.
SMK Dabong students have missed the first day of the school year after they were stranded at the Kuala Gris train station last Sunday.

Following the incident, KTMB apologises to students, parents and the school after the shuttle train had failed to stop at the Kuala Gris station.

In a statement, KTMB confirmed the incident involving shuttle train Timuran No 51 that departed from Tumpat station at 4:05 am.

KTMB also informed that based on investigation, the train did not stop at the Kuala Gris station at 7:08 am.

"KTMB takes the matter seriously and regrets that the incident had involved 100 SMK Dabong students that were about to begin their school session on Sunday,'' said the statement.

KTMB also informed that the employee responsible has been suspended from duty.

"Improvements are constantly being made and KTMB assures that the same incident would not occur again,'' said the statement.

Schools in Pekan were affected due to floods.

Meanwhile, as many as eight schools in Pekan were unable to operate for the third schooling term due to the floods.

The district education officer, Mohd Razai Mustafar said seven primary schools and one high school are either still overwhelmed by floods or were converted into temporary evacuation centres (PPS).

"Even when SK Temai was made into a PPS, we can see still some water retention in the area. We have asked the help of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) to pump out the water in the school area.

"If there are no other issues, tomorrow or the day after, we can start cleaning.

"So far, five schools are involved in cleaning works, they are SK Pelak, SK Mambang, SK Paloh Hinai, SK Kinchir and SMK Paloh Hinai,” he said to Sinar Harian, explaning further that these schools are located near the Pahang river.

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