Over RM4.8 million losses to commercial crime in Pahang

15 Feb 2022 03:35pm
Pahang police chief Datuk Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf (centre) at the Pahang contingent police headquarters monthly assembly, today. - BERNAMA
Pahang police chief Datuk Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf (centre) at the Pahang contingent police headquarters monthly assembly, today. - BERNAMA

KUANTAN - Pahang police have recorded more than RM4.8 million losses involving 169 commercial crime cases from Jan 1 to 31, said its chief Datuk Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf.

Of the amount, fraud was the biggest contributor to commercial crimes with 158 cases. There have been 101 arrests within the said period.

"Although various preventive initiatives have been taken and awareness advice has been given, we see this (fraud) still happening. The public is advised not to be easily fooled by threats through social media including phone calls," he said this in this speech at the Pahang contingent police headquarters monthly assembly, here, today.

Ramli said that the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (JSJK) and the Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (JPJKK) have been asked to intensify awareness campaigns to combat commercial crimes.

He also said that the Pahang crime index for January 2020 is 154 cases compared to 204 cases in January 2021, a decrease of 50 cases whereas the Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department (JSJN) had made 1,170 arrests last month.

As for road accident cases, a total of 553 cases were reported during "Op Selamat 17" in conjunction with the Chinese New Year compared to 650 cases during "Op Selamat 16" in 2020.

At the ceremony, Ramli also conferred ranks on 18 junior police officers who were promoted, besides handing over new Higer Ace vans for the use of 11 district police headquarters in Pahang. - BERNAMA

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