G25: English language crucial in bridging multiculturism

01 Mar 2022 12:53am
G25 opined that the continued use of the English language in international functions, gatherings, and conferences not only ensures that we are understood by all participants without the need for simultaneous translation, but it also projects our ability as Malaysians to use the English language with proficiency. - 123RF Photo
G25 opined that the continued use of the English language in international functions, gatherings, and conferences not only ensures that we are understood by all participants without the need for simultaneous translation, but it also projects our ability as Malaysians to use the English language with proficiency. - 123RF Photo
G25 Malaysia wishes to refer to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s recent announcement that Bahasa Melayu will be the language used at every official function, including international meetings.

The English language is the most widely used international language. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, and the working language of Asean. It is the principal language of international discussions, debates, meetings, consultations and negotiations, including in the UN Security Council.

Our continued use of the English language in international functions, gatherings, and conferences not only ensures that we are understood by all participants without the need for simultaneous translation, but it also projects our ability as Malaysians to use the English language with proficiency.

It is for this reason that most participants in international meetings prefer to use the English language, even when their national language is one of the official or working languages of the United Nations. It should also be noted that officials of Asean member states who were not very good in the use of the English language before are now noticeably more proficient than some of our own.

The need for Malaysians to master the English language goes beyond being able to present and converse at conferences and meetings. Related documents, scientific and negotiation papers that are presented at these forums are almost always in English.

In the first place, it would be impossible to meaningfully participate, debate or negotiate if attendees have a poor grasp of the English language and therefore the content of these meetings.

We are very proud of our national language, and its proficiency among Malaysians must be encouraged.

However, we should also take pride that our people are capable of speaking more than one language, especially the most widely used language in the world.

We must remember that Malaysia prides itself on being a multicultural and multilingual country, something which not all countries can attest to.
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Using the English language in the international sphere will only strengthen our claim of being multilingual.

We believe that when it comes to the promotion of our national language internationally, it can be done in other more direct and effective ways. Being able to communicate in a second language, especially one that is the world’s lingua franca does not mean that the individual is any less a patriotic Malaysian.

G25 recognises that some of our Ministers and government officials may not have a good command of the English language. In such cases, we agree that Bahasa Melayu should be used with simultaneous translation, as a lack of proficiency in the language used could reflect badly on the country’s image and a translation may leave room for misinterpretation.

What is important during international meetings and functions is that we are clear and are understood as much as possible, and can participate meaningfully in such high-level discussions.

Instead of regressing to monolingualism, the government should be promoting the teaching of English as well as other languages, notably Mandarin, in our national schools and institutions of higher learning to ensure that Malaysians and especially our civil servants are multilingual with particular emphasis on a high level of proficiency in the English language.

The views expressed in the article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of Sinar Daily.

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