Keeping the night of Nisfu Sya’ban alive

17 Mar 2022 01:59pm
Nisfu Sya'ban means half of the month of Sya'ban.
Nisfu Sya'ban means half of the month of Sya'ban.

The month of Sya’ban is known as the month in which deeds are lifted up to Allah SWT.

During this month, Prophet Muhammad SAW would increased his acts of worship by fasting more compared to other months.

According to the official website of the Terengganu Mufti department, Sya'ban is one of the months with many benefits.

In a hadith narrated by Aisyah R.A, the Prophet never fasted in a particular month other than in Ramadan throughout the year more than he fasted in Sya'ban.

However, people should not consider the night of Nisfu Sya'ban as the night of determination of one's fate in the following year to the point that some were willing to leave work to commit to the night due to fear of missing out on doing good deeds.

Such beliefs is worrying as it could have an impact on the faith of a Muslim.

However, it is undeniable that Muslims are encouraged to increase acts of worship by reciting the Quran, zikir, praying and conducting Qiamullail (midnight prayers) as cited in the hadiths (Yasalunaka fi ad-Din wa al-Hayat: Vol. 4 p. 347).

Forgiveness from Allah SWT is based on the deeds of His servants.

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Therefore, it is recommended for Muslims to appreciate Nisfu Sya’ban and make it a starting point to seek Allah SWT's pleasure and obtain the benefits during the night.

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