DAP slams PM over 'band aid' package to fight soaring prices

23 Jun 2022 06:09pm
Lim opined that the assistance was far from sufficient for the low-income families burdened by the rising living costs. Photo: BERNAMA FILE PIX
Lim opined that the assistance was far from sufficient for the low-income families burdened by the rising living costs. Photo: BERNAMA FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM - DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng condemns the statement by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob in allocating RM630 million additional Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) cash assistance to help low-income families.

Lim opined that the assistance was far from sufficient for the low-income families burdened by the rising living costs.

“How does Prime Minister's Ismail Sabri's paltry RM630 million "band aid" package help Malaysians cope with soaring prices and removal of chicken, eggs and bottled cooking oil subsidies?

“As a comparison, Singapore with a GDP per capita almost 5 times more than Malaysia had announced a Sing$1.5 billion or RM4.7 billion aid package that is more than seven times larger than Malaysia's RM630 billion aid package,” he said in a statement.

He further said that the RM630 million financial aid was disappointing not only in its small amount but also not comprehensive to help Malaysians in the M40 as well as small and medium scale enterprises.

“Tenaga Nasional Bhd's (TNB) net profit rose to RM3.66 billion for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2021 from RM3.59 billion in the previous year on the back of a 2021 higher operating profit increasing by RM742 million of RM8.08 billion compared with RM7.36 billion in 2020.

“Clearly TNB is in a position to absorb rising gas and coal prices,” he added.

Lim suggested that the prime minister should have announced that Tenaga Nasional Bhd should not be permitted to increase electricity tariffs from next month onwards.

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Meanwhile, he said no announcement of when the acute workers’ shortage caused were made by the ministerial and bureaucratic obstacles on bringing in foreign workers would be resolved.

“The acute workers shortage has adversely impacted all sectors from plantation to manufacturing to tourism and services industry.

“Not only have businesses been forced to close down, but many are refusing to accept new orders or operating at far below capacity such as hotels impacting economic growth.

“There is no mention of a Price Stabilisation Fund or buffer stockpile of essential commodities to cope with prices that are expected to escalate even higher at the end of the year.

“The lack of a well thought-out plan does not bode well for investor confidence already battered by the 2022 International Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness Ranking (WCR), down by seven positions from 25th in 2021,” Lim said.

He also said that this was reflected in the downward spiralling of share prices and decline in the value of the ringgit against the country’s major trading partners, United States and Singapore to near historic levels, putting further pressure on imported inflation.

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