Caretaker Prime Minister: Qualified local contractors to get national development project opportunities

18 Oct 2022 12:46pm
Caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob - BERNAMA
Caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob - BERNAMA
KUALA LUMPUR - Caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob today assures qualified local contractors that they will get the best opportunity to develop national projects.

Thus, Ismail Sabri refuted various allegations that the allocation of development expenditure of RM95 billion in the 2023 Budget will only benefit certain parties.

"The government I lead today is always prioritising the development of infrastructure to benefit the entire Keluarga Malaysia," he said at the opening ceremony of the Malay Contractors Convention 3.0 and the 43rd annual general meeting of the Malay Contractors Association Malaysia (PKMM), here today.

On Oct 7, the government tabled the Budget 2023 amounting to RM272.3 billion, which is the largest in the country's history that focuses on the well-being of the people, business continuity, economic prosperity, and the efficiency of government services.

Budget 2023 also allocates as much as RM95 billion for development expenditure which is the highest in history including as many as 7,615 development projects.
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