'We did not jump from PKR, we were sacked’, says PBM's sec-gen

07 Nov 2022 09:00am
 Former Selangor PKR communications bureau chief Hizwan Ahmad said he was sacked from the party.
Former Selangor PKR communications bureau chief Hizwan Ahmad said he was sacked from the party.
SHAH ALAM - Former Selangor PKR communications chief Hizwan Ahmad says he was one of the leaders sacked from the party along with Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, Hilman Idham and Zuraida Kamaruddin.

“So what happened was, I was one of the fore leaders from PKR that has been sacked by the party.

“We did not jump, we do not move but they sacked us,” he told Sinar Daily's Politically Frank episode.

Asked about why he is not Bersatu, he said it was hard for the party to accept him due to its structure and assimilation.

“We actually tried that but it was hard for them to accept us and we moved somewhere else where we could do better,” he said,

“We are very active, we are on the ground, we are on the move so when you do not want to make full use of our ability then obviously you must do something.

“A lot of time we feel like we are not being appreciated and utilised because we know we can do more and people do not want us to do more there,” he said.

Hizwan, who is now with Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM), said he will let the party’s leadership decide if he should be contesting in the 15th General Election (GE15).

He added that as of now, the main focus for the party is to ensure its survivability and is only proper to include the voice of the party’s president.
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“Looking at the current situation, our main focus is to ensure the survivability of PBM and I think it is only proper for us to include the president's voice which is to remain with current leaders that we have, with the incumbent MPs that we have as of now," he said.

The party has six MPs who won 2018 polls. They are Zuraida Kamaruddin (Ampang), Steven Choong (Tebrau), Larry Sng (Julau) and Datuk Mohammadin Ketapi (Lahad Datu), Datuk Xavier Jayakumar (Kuala Langat) and Datuk Seri Santhara Kumar (Segamat).